Call for Papers
ICCE2018 workshop(W13):
Call for Papers
ICCE2018 workshop(W13):
Computational Thinking (CT) has gained more attention from policy makers and educators globally. Wing (2017), reflecting 10 years after her publication on CT, never dream that Computer Science education would be taught on a large scale in K-12 .
Today, this has become reality as governments, educational authorities and schools are introducing Computer Science education in the different levels of education. From September 2014, the UK national curriculum required computing (including coding lessons) to be taught in schools to children from the age of 5 until 16. This replaced the ICT syllabus and was intended to introduce children to computational thinking from an early age. Finland has outlined that coding is one of the learning skills – just like reading, writing, counting and drawing. In Hong Kong, CoolThink@JC, a four- year initiative of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, was launched in 2016 to empower the city’s primary school teachers and students with computational thinking skills, including coding. In 2017, Singapore’s Ministry of Education implemented a new curriculum for the Computing subject in 19 schools. From August 2019, computational thinking will become the kernel of the compulsory education in the subject of information technology in the secondary school in Taiwan. The new curriculum is a distinct shift teaching students informal activities (infocomm clubs, code for fun, extracurricular activities et al.) as well as formal school education to develop students’ Computational Thinking (CT) skills and programming competencies.
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum where international participants can share knowledge, experiences and concerns on the diversified implementations of CT in school education and explore directions for future research collaborations.
The format follows the template in the Author Guidelines of ICCE 2018, please refer to Author Guidelines of ICCE 2018. (
· Theories behind Computational Thinking
· CT pedagogy and learning design
· Constructions of CT infrastructure
· Government and school policies for CT implementation
· Socio-cultural perspectives and implications of computing education
· Teachers’ professional development for computing education
· Custom built tools and apps for Computational Thinking
· Case studies on Computational Thinking
· Creative way of using block-based environments for Computational Thinking
Longkai Wu: (Nanyang Technological University,
Dr. Longkai Wu is a Research Scientist at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His current research with the computational thinking project focuses on the design and implementation of computational activities in classrooms that help students develop deeper understandings and practices. Dr Wu has published his research work on computational thinking and classroom inquiry at several international conferences and in established international journals.
Ting-Chia Hsu (National Taiwan Normal University,
Dr. Ting-Chia Hsu who is as known as Ching-Kun Hsu serves as an Associate Professor at the Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development in National Taiwan Normal University. Dr. Hsu has devoted herself in computer and information education for more than 18 years. Her research interests include computer-assisted learning and mobile learning. Dr. Hsu was awarded a government scholarship by Ministry of Education for project research abroad in 2011. She received the Recruiting Special Outstanding Talent Award from National Science Council in 2013. She is rewarded a National Taiwan Normal University Academic Excellence Award from 2014 to 2019. In 2015, she received the Best Research Paper Award in the 19th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education. She ware rewarded the Special Outstanding Talent Award from the Ministry of Science and Technology during August 2015 to July 2018. The Ministry of Science and Technology grants her the Distinguished Young Scholars Project from 2014 to 2019.
Ivica Botički: (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia,
Ivica Boticki is an associate professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia. He received his PhD degree from the same university in 2009. He worked as a research fellow at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore from 2009-2010. He teaches courses in computing and software engineering. His research area is technology-enhanced learning, mobile learning and computational thinking. He led several projects including a Croatian National Science Foundation Project. He participates in a number of initiatives and boards, including the Croatian Qualifications Framework Board for Electrotehnics and Computing, as part of the European Qualifications Framework.
Chee Kit Looi
Ulrich Hoppe
Gautam Biswas
Siu Cheung Kong
Shuchi Grover
Lung-Hsiang Wong
Workshop Organizers
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